Software Marketing Agencies: Geeky Tech

Results-driven software marketing services.

No contracts. No fine print. Just results. 

Find out how we boosted this client’s traffic by 745%
Geektastic results

“Thanks to Geeky Tech’s work on our organic search optimization, we now outrank our biggest competitor.”

Lee Butz District
Lee Butz

CEO & Founder at District Technologies

Ready for real business growth? Book your free SEO review with one of our Geeks

We Are a Bull-S*%t Free B2B Software Marketing Agency

GeekyTech team member Ben working on software marketing strategy

Shine a Spotlight on Your Software with Our Tested SEO Services

We all know that effective digital and web marketing is critical to the success of your software product. But finding a software marketing agency that understands how to market your B2B or B2C product to the right audience is crucial to the success of your bottom line.

You want to expand your customer reach, develop and nurture leads, and achieve sales goals—you need an SaaS marketing agency that can grow your digital presence internationally using a full suite of web marketing services that are catered to your industry.

Geeky Tech is a B2B internet marketing agency that leverages the power of search engine optimisation and paid advertising to help bring software companies out of the shadows and into the limelight.

We specialise in software, technology, and IT companies because we know and love tech, and we want to help like-minded Geeks achieve results with.

We specialise in software, technology, and IT companies

We specialise in software, technology, and IT companies because we know and love tech, and we want to help like-minded Geeks achieve results with:

  • Search engine optimisation using in-house tested B2B SEO strategies
  • Programmatic paid advertising for search, display, video, and social media
  • Content collaboration with keyword-rich briefs and optimised landing pages
  • Unique off-page optimisation with authority-building backlinks for high-traffic sites

The Most Important Digital Marketing Strategy for B2B Software

A successful software marketing campaign requires brand exposure. Depending on what your product is and who your customers are, your marketing strategy will vary, but what’s absolutely essential (no matter who your customers are) is a fully optimised website.

Any digital marketing agency worth its salt will tell you that search engine optimisation is the foundation of online marketing.

Want to find out if your site is optimised? Give us a call!

What Services Should a B2B Digital Marketing Agency Provide?

There are thousands of marketing firms worldwide that purport to serve B2B software companies, but it’s shocking how so few have a thorough understanding of SEO basics or how to turn website data and competitor analysis into a marketing strategy.

Many creative agencies will offer B2B marketing services, however, without understanding the fundamentals of search engine optimisation, they may end up spending most of your budget on web design and social media without optimising your digital presence for your B2B audience. Without proper SEO, your beautiful website may not get the traffic it deserves.

Search Engine Optimisation for Saas, IT, and Technology Companies

SEO is nothing new, and if you’ve been working closely alongside your web team, you’re probably well aware of the term, and have at least a basic knowledge of what it means. But if not, SEO is the practice of optimising your website to improve its Google rankings and increase site traffic. 

While the concept of SEO is simple, it’s getting harder and harder to rank for your search terms without it for the following reasons:

The competition is ugly.

Your B2B software company is likely fighting against tech giants, mid-size organisations, and brand-new startups alike. No matter how good your service or product is, your real-world authority may not be reflected in your rankings if your SEO game isn’t as strong as others.

Google has a user-first approach.

Google’s monopoly of the search engine market is contingent on its ability to find exactly what the user is looking for. Your site will be put through the ringer and tested against hundreds of algorithms before Google decides where to rank you. These algorithms aren’t based on your real-world authority, so even though you really are the best CRM platform software, your site still has to play by Google’s rules. 

The supply far outweighs the demand.

A single query can pull up tens of millions of search results in one second. There are over half-a-million new websites created every day, which means the supply of search results is exponentially higher than the number of daily queries for the same search term. The only way your site will ever stand out amongst the tome of search result pages is to work with a B2B SEO agency to develop a solid organic search strategy that gets you on the scoreboard.

Does your software business have a growth strategy? Find out how we can help

Geeky Tech’s B2B Software SEO Services

Our tried-and-tested SEO techniques have helped triple and even quadruple our clients’ page-one rankings.

If your software website isn’t getting the exposure it deserves, your customers probably aren’t seeing it. Our software marketing agency diagnoses your site’s traffic woes with a complete audit and review of your keywords, technical set-up, content, on-page SEO best practices, and off-page authority. We use this information to develop and launch a data-driven B2B SEO campaign. 

We’ll turn your placeholder website into your greatest digital sales tool by raising awareness of your brand. Boost your page-one rankings, drive high-quality traffic, and make your domain a subject-matter authority in the eyes of Google. 

Our SEO services include:
  • Website audit and review
  • Keyword research, competitors analysis, and strategy
  • On-page and technical optimisation using our 100+ point checklist
  • Off-page optimisation with backlinks to strengthen site authority
  • Content brief creation and content optimisation
  • Setup of web tracking and analytics tools
  • Ongoing management and maintenance

Want to see our software SEO services in action? Take a look at our case studies.

Ready for more site visibility? Start with a free SEO review from one of our experts

Geeky Tech’s Paid Advertising Services

By utilising intelligent and highly targeted ad campaigns, our Geeks work smarter, not harder.

Ad copy and design
Google Ads
Social media ads
Programmatic display advertising
Setup of tracking tools
Ongoing maintenance and management

Whether you’re releasing a new product or trying to expand your customer reach, contact our Geeks to find out how we can help you develop a strong advertising campaign.

GeekyTech team working on Software Marketing Agency

How SaaS Companies Can Spend Their Advertising Dollars Wisely

Optimising your site for organic growth is always the best long-term strategy. Unfortunately, its magic takes three to six months. When you want faster (even immediate) results, paid advertising is the best way to start seeing instant traffic. It also supports your SEO efforts by giving you a better understanding of exactly who your customers are and how they behave on the internet. Our Geeks can create a campaign that really grabs your target audience’s attention and draws them to your site.

The benefits of paid advertising for B2B software companies:
  • Results start pouring in immediately while you wait for SEO to pick up steam.
  • The right data-driven campaign has a high ROI.
  • You can target more customers who are ready to buy (or wherever they are on their buyer’s journey).
  • Data collected from marketing campaigns can give you better insights into your SEO strategy and can bolster your organic marketing efforts.
  • You can get started on any budget.

Our B2B marketing services include the most profitable paid media channels, including the geekiest form of paid advertising: programmatic display. 

Programmatic Display Advertising: The Holiest of Paid Media

Programmatic display advertising may sound intimidating, but essentially, it’s a platform that allows us to bid for ad space on thousands of publisher sites. 

It also gives us access to third-party data, which allows us to create campaign-specific ads and display them to a highly targeted audience.

Third-party data is the key to programmatic display’s success. It gives us valuable information about your customer demographics and psychographics (opinions, interests, and activities), so that we can focus your ad spend on the customers who are more likely to buy your software product. For example, if you offer an SAP software product, we can target ERP decision-makers by displaying ads on sites we know they frequently visit. 

Launch your next software ad campaign with geeky confidence. Get your free paid media audit today.

Are You Marketing Your B2B Software Through the Right Channels?

Before internet marketing, finding customers consisted of casting a wide net, catching as many fish as possible, and hoping that some of those fish were a good catch.


But now, marketing agencies have scores of data and online tools to help them find who our customers are and how they use the internet. This data gives us a very clear target for our marketing efforts, which lowers costs but makes the game highly competitive



It’s not just knowing who your customers are and where you can find them—it’s also about staying relevant and demonstrating your value to keep your company top-of-mind when the customer reaches the decision phase of their buying journey. We’ve served various B2B SaaS companies and we can tell you that based on available data and our experience, here are the most successful marketing channels today:

B2B & B2C Marketing For Software Companies

Before we look at the different marketing channels that best serve your business and reach the right kind of audience (prospective customers), it’s important to understand the difference between B2B and B2C customers. 


While the end goal is the same, the approach to reaching your audience varies depending on who’s buying. This is especially important to keep in mind when marketing SaaS that’s designed for companies, such as project management software. 


Let’s look at these distinct customer profiles:

Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

As you can see, there are key differences in the marketing language and budgets.


SaaS Content Marketing Strategies

Whether your content is outsourced or created in-house, your strategy should primarily focus on top-of funnel marketing to build brand awareness, educate your prospective audience, and encourage customer engagement. 


Decision-makers searching for B2B software companies spend many hours researching different brands, requesting free demos, and comparing software. Their buyer’s journey is dictated by company budgets and the mandate to find the highest value for the lowest cost. 


The phrase ‘content is king’ has been said so many times it’s almost cliché—but it’s still true. However, although your content is designed for user engagement, it’s also a digital marketing tool that can be optimised to push your rankings and increase your traffic.

How healthy is your site? Get a free check-up from a software marketing expert.

What Does Effective Software Content Marketing Look Like These Days?

It would be silly not to consider how the pandemic has shaped recent content marketing trends. We’re seeing more of a focus on personalisation, customer communities, and language that conveys empathy and a “we’re all in this together” attitude. We’ve all been through a lot since Covid hit, and marketing teams are capitalising on this globally shared experience. 

Content by employees for employees is marketing gold. We’re seeing the people behind the companies as brand ambassadors and using their various social accounts—such as LinkedIn—to send out meaningful, and impactful messages that target ‘real’ people.


So, what’s trending in content marketing?

Online Courses & Webinars

Thanks to the increasing popularity of virtual learning, online courses are kicking off like never before, and it’s content marketing gold. There’s really no downside to developing your own courses—you get to showcase your software company’s expertise, create a whole new revenue stream, and give your customers real and tangible value.


To keep your customers engaged, make your courses interactive with forums, teacher office hours, and chats.

Interactive Content

Your customers are more likely to stay on the page if they have something to do. We’re seeing a growing trend in interactive content, which can be branded, relevant, and helpful. Animated infographics, calculators, and gamified content—all of which have been typically more relevant in the B2C market—are making their way over to the B side.

Email Newsletters

Email marketing is one of the top strategies for B2B companies. Company emails are highly effective ways to nurture your leads. In fact, almost one-third of marketing companies say that email newsletters are the best way to make sales.

Branded Shows

Video, radio, and podcast shows are here to stay. Your customers are tuning and listening in to branded B2B podcasts and YouTube videos. Podcasts are especially effective at connecting intimately with your prospective clients and giving them an intimate look at how your business operates.


About 70% of your target audience will watch videos as part of their buying journey. Capitalising on how your customers conduct their research is key to expanding your digital presence.


We’ve moved beyond adding the subscriber’s name at the top of an email newsletter. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), the trend has shifted towards content hyper-personalization. What does that mean? Software marketing firms are adopting AI to automate personalisation for customer segments in content, email templates, and much more. AI is just getting started, so you can expect to see many more tools coming down the pipe.

Who Should Write Your Content?

We’re not about to throw content writers under the bus, but we will say that no one knows your industry better than you do. So whether you’re outsourcing your content or you’ve got your own team of product experts-come-writers, you need to make sure that everything you publish is well-written, authoritative, and true.

Geeky Tech’s Suggestions for Producing Killer Content

Our Pricing

If you’ve made it this far down the page, you’re probably wondering how much all this SEO magic is going to cost you. While we’re all about instant gratification, we prefer to talk shop before giving our clients pricing estimates. That’s because our software marketing services are tailored to your company’s specific needs.

We don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all pricing because every content strategy is as unique as your company.

We’ve worked with marketing budgets of all sizes, and we know how to spend your money wisely. Are you looking for pricing? Give us a shout to discuss your budget and marketing needs.

Hurry! Our calendar is filling up fast. Schedule your free review before it’s too late!

Who We Are

Geeky Tech is a data-driven marketing agency for software companies. We are a small bunch of digital marketing experts with many years of industry experience. And we’re obsessed with tech. It’s kind of a side-effect of spending so many years in the SEO rabbit hole. If you’re a marketing manager of a B2B software company, you probably speak a little Geek yourself.

While our head office is based in Guildford, UK, our team lives and travels all over the world and does our best to realise our ‘live hard, play hard’ company philosophy. We may be thousands of miles away from some of our team members, but we’ve perfected our digital workplace environment and manage to work closely together, even though we’re far apart. 

When you partner with us, you’ll get to work with a small but mighty team of SEO specialists, data scientists, advertising gurus, social media mavens, and people whose experience is so diverse, their hyphenate job titles would far exceed the recommended word count of this page.

Learn more about the people you’ll be working with or contact us directly to get started on your software marketing campaign.