
How We Helped this DevOps Consulting Firm Soar to a 214% ROI in 2 years

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[DevOps Consulting agency] is an Agile and DevOps firm specialising in various software management services.

Key Results

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increase in qualified leads in 2023 vs 2022
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increase in organic conversions in 2023 vs 2022
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ROI over 24 months
£ 0 K
deals closed
Over 24 months, £93k SEO spent, £291.7 pipeline converted

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Key Deliverables

When the folks at a DevOps consulting firm told us that despite their traffic, no one was taking a bite, we knew we could help them fine-tune their content with a winning keyword strategy that would attract real leads.


Here’s the story about how we helped our friends reach £291,700 in closed deals in just two years:

The Challenge

When we first took a look at the site, we saw that there was nothing glaringly wrong with it. But after we completed our audit, we knew exactly why our friends were struggling to get qualified leads through the door:

The Solution

leads chart summary

Give the people what they want, is the long and short of it. But to be more precise, we put forward a solution that would course-correct our friends’ content to better align with what their target audience was searching for. 


And considering the outcomes two years on, we think we hit the nail on the head.

The Results

pipeline side by side
Christian, our expert keyword strategist, made these results possible.
Book a call with Christian today for a full SEO review.

Key Deliverables

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