
How We Helped B2B Cybersecurity Company Achieve 491% ROI in Under 12 Months

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[Redacted] Security manages a state-of-the-art vulnerability management solution.

Results in Numbers

£ 0
£ 0
pipeline generated
£ 0
New Business won
0 %
more conversions vs the previous year
0 %

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Key Deliverables

Cybersecurity is one of the most competitive B2B industries today. Getting noticed online requires a huge marketing budget, or at least, a fool-proof SEO strategy. Our friends from an anonymous security company (anonymous because we’re sharing their financial numbers) had neither.

With just a small £40k investment from this boutique firm, we used our results-based SEO to help these guys generate a 491% ROI in under 12 months.

Here’s how we did it:

The Challenge

After reviewing the site and taking a look at the company’s main competitors, we knew we had a challenge on our hands:

The team was sitting on a state-of-the-art cyber security platform, but they just weren’t pushing out enough keyword-rich content to beat out the competition in their weight class. 

The Solution

To start, we had to face facts: the competition was fierce—too fierce to expect anything to happen for years if we tried to compete for headline terms like “penetration testing”. So instead, we developed a strategy that would make our friends a big fish in a smaller pond by targeting lower competition terms like “red team as a service”. 


And then, once those pages were optimised, we moved on to other small ponds and keywords like “phishing assessments,” which allowed us to jump into bigger ponds and more competitive terms like “continuous penetration testing.” Eventually, our friends were ready to start competing for keywords that they wouldn’t have been able to win in the beginning— keywords like “penetration testing as a service.” 

In the meantime,  we implemented our tried-and-tested backlink strategy to boost the team’s authority and increase the flow of traffic; for example, we built links from high-authority sites about cybersecurity, data centres, and cloud, network, and enterprise data security.


This approach allowed us to lay the foundations for future headline terms, while still generating leads in the short-term journey to the bigger goal. The winning strategy here is to know where you stand, and aim to outpace, outwit, and outrank the competition in your weight class until you’re big and strong enough to move up a class. 

“Geeky Tech completely transformed our online marketing. Now, huge clients are coming to us and we have the Geeky Tech team to thank!”


Head of Marketing
[Anonymous Security Company]

The Results

With the right combination of transaction-focused content, technical optimisation, and a steady flow of external links, these guys reached two million people in a year, which led to a 147% increase in conversions and £800,000 in net-new pipeline generated.

Pipeline generated and won

What’s even more impressive (if we do say so ourselves) is that the reported figures above only represent the new pipeline generated and not the lifetime value. With the average customer returning regularly for penetration testing and other security services, the lifetime value can often be 10 times more than the first deals won.

Ready to dominate search results and outshine the competition?
Get your SEO review to elevate your B2B marketing strategy.
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